Why will my sore throat not go away?

When is a Sore Throat Considered Chronic?
Nothing is worse than a sore throat that impedes your speech and daily life. Without proper treatment, it can get worse and cause serious problems. Let’s take a close look at why your sore throat will not go away and when it is considered chronic.
Chronic Duration
There’s not an official duration where a sore throat becomes chronic. Sore throats usually subside after a couple of days of proper hydration and medicine. If your sore throat persists beyond this duration, it is venturing into the chronic territory. After two weeks, if the sore throat has not gone away, it is definitely chronic. You’ll want to immediately see a specialist or even more serious medical treatment when things are this bad. Even after a few days, it’s not a bad idea to start looking into a specialist already. Remember, the longer you wait, the more opportunities bacteria have to multiply and infect your entire throat. At the very least, take some sort of action after a few days. Either look for a specialist or begin taking regular doses of medicine.
Reason for Persistence
There are a number of reasons why your sore throat won’t go away. One major factor can be hydration. A good amount of moisture in your throat naturally makes recovery easier. If you don’t drink a lot of water, your throat will dry out and exasperate the issue. When you have a sore throat, make sure to drink plenty of water at meals and between meals. Juices can be good forms of hydration as well, but it’s not advised to resort to sodas. Frequent talking is another reason why your sore throat is persisting. Maybe it’s part of your job to talk a lot, which never gives your throat the rest it needs. Don’t hesitate to take a day off from work to let your throat recover. Finally, coughing is another thing that can make a sore throat linger. While coughing is a natural human reaction, do your best to suppress these coughs. Basic cough medicine is a terrific way to regulate this without resorting to stronger pills.
Curing a chronic sore throat can often require professional help. Don’t hesitate to see a chronic sore throat specialist Los Angeles or a sore throat doctor Los Angeles. These individuals are highly specialized in the field and know exactly how to get you back in shape. When you see a throat infection specialist Los Angeles, you’re in good hands with a medical expert.
If your sore throat doesn’t go away for an extended period of time, it is considered chronic. Our sore throat doctor Los Angeles or a throat infection specialist are two great options. A chronic sore throat specialist Los Angeles will take a look at your condition and prescribe an effective remedy.