Surgery May Help Sleep Apnea When CPAP Machine Fails

Sleep apnea is an inconvenient, oftentimes embarrassing condition that impacts at least 22 million Americans each year. More than that, however, it can be a frightening or even dangerous condition that may require medical intervention to treat or cure. If you’re tired of using a clunky, obtrusive CPAP machine—or if you’ve found that your CPAP machine just isn’t as effective anymore—there may be another solution.
According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, surgery can have extremely beneficial results among patients who suffer from serious sleep apnea. The surgery expands the palate and widens the airway by reducing the size of the tongue or moving it out of the way. As a result, the patient is able to breathe easier and get a better night’s sleep without having to worry about the loud, irritating sound of a CPAP machine.
The study used a sample size of over one hundred volunteers. Half of the volunteers underwent airway expansion surgery, while the other half were treated with traditional medications and put on a lifestyle treatment plan. In the first group, volunteers had nearly a 30% drop in sleep apnea episodes, while the second group saw only around a 10% drop.
While it goes without saying that there are multiple factors to be considered when discussing any major surgery, the fact remains that the surgery described in the study seems to have an enormously beneficial impact on the number of apneic episodes you may suffer on a regular basis. If you live in the Los Angeles area and are interested in seeking out alternative solutions for your sleep apnea, why not check in with the many head and neck doctors in L.A?
If you’re looking for an ear, nose, and throat technician or ENT for snoring Los Angeles has you covered. Especially if you need a doctor for sleep disorders Los Angeles is home to literally thousands of highly qualified specialists who will be able to discuss your options for treating sleep apnea. As a result, while you search for a sleep apnea specialist Los Angeles has plenty of options to ensure that you find a practice you are one hundred percent comfortable with.
Look for head and neck doctors in L.A who are open to talking surgery with you and your loved ones. If you’ve visited an ENT for snoring Los Angeles should be home to plenty of specialized physicians who will either get you the help you need or help you reach out to someone who will do the same.
If you are already comfortable with your primary care physician, talk to them about your options for surgery. If not, simply try searching “sleep apnea specialist Los Angeles” or “doctor for sleep disorders Los Angeles” or another similar combination of keywords in your preferred search engine.
Make sure you’re comfortable discussing surgery and any other options with your PCP so that you can be sure you’re finding the best solution for your sleep apnea. Contact an ENT doctor Los Angeles today!