
If you need help with your hearing, you may want to consider middle-ear implants. These implants are located deep inside the ear canal to stimulate the auditory nerves, and they can work for many years. 

These hearing aids can be implanted by your hearing aid doctor Los Angeles, and do away with the need to take out your hearing aids. A middle-ear implant can help those with sensorineural hearing loss as well as conductive hearing loss and mixed hearing loss. It can also be helpful to those with physical barriers to their hearing, such as malformed ears, skin problems in their ears, outer ear infections, or collapsed ear canals.

The complications to this have been limited only to patients that have had tumors in their middle ears. Your ear doctor Los Angeles can help to ensure that your implant works well for many years.

How Middle-Ear Implants Work

Before you go to your head and neck doctors in Los Angeles to determine whether or not middle-ear implants are right for you, you may want to know how these devices work. When you have an implant, it uses technology called Vibrant Soundbridge. 

The middle-ear implant is attached to the bones in your middle ear. The device takes sound waves from the air and turns them into mechanical vibrations which travel through the bone in the same way a healthy ear works. This helps to stimulate different parts of the inner and middle ear that send signals to the brain, allowing you to hear much better. 

Many people have stated that these implants work better than traditional hearing. While traditional hearing aids amplify the sound, a middle-ear implant improves the vibration that makes up the basis of human hearing.

Middle-Ear Implants Benefits

There are several benefits to getting middle-ear implants. These include:

  • Hearing clearer – Many people who have gotten these implants state that they can hear clearer than they were ever able to with hearing aids.
  • Long term hearing – Traditional hearing aids can go out over time. With implants, they can last many years without failure.
  • Saving money – By getting implants, you will be saving money in the long term because you will not have to replace your hearing aids every few years.
  • No losing your hearing aid – Hearing aids can be hard to keep up with. You may put the small device somewhere and then lose it. By having these implants done by your head and neck doctors in Los Angeles, you will never have to worry about this again.

If you are having trouble hearing, you should make an appointment with your ear doctor Los Angeles. Your doctor can diagnose what’s causing your hearing problems. 


Food sensitivities like gluten sensitivity are common in today’s world. However, those that suffer from gluten sensitivity may not be sensitive to gluten at all. It may actually be a fructan intolerance.

What Is a Fructan Intolerance?

A fructan is a type of carbohydrate that is created by fructose. Fructose is a simple sugar that is found in rice, wheat, and fruit. It is considered a complex sugar and more difficult to break down. When you cut out gluten, you may start to feel better. This can be because you have a fructan sensitivity.

What Are the Symptoms of Fructan Intolerance?

There are several symptoms of fructan intolerance that may indicate that you have this condition. If you suspect that you have it, you should see the head and neck doctors in Los Angeles to have food intolerance testing Los Angeles. 

This will help to determine if you have any food allergies and see if fruit may be causing the following symptoms:

  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Burping

How to Determine If You Have a Fructan Intolerance- Food Allergy

If you suspect that you have a fructan intolerance, you will need to visit your Los Angeles food allergy doctor for food sensitivity testing Los Angeles. This testing can determine whether or not you are allergic to certain foods that may have high fructan in them. For example, you may find that you are allergic to wheat because of its high fructan content. You will need to make sure that you have your head and neck doctors in Los Angeles check you over well to determine if this is the cause of your digestive issues.

There is also a breath test that can be given by your doctor. This breath test can help to determine whether or not the fructan is being absorbed by your body. You should also get tested for intolerance to gluten during this process to see if that is an issue as well.

How is Fructan Intolerance Cured?

Unfortunately, your Los Angeles food allergy doctor will not be able to cure your fructan diagnosis. After your food intolerance testing Los Angeles determines that you do have this intolerance, your doctor can work with you to avoid any foods that contain fructans. The doctor can work with you on showing you how to avoid foods like wheat, cabbage, shallots, and fruits. 

Also, you may benefit from following a gluten free diet, especially if it helped you feel better before. It is important to note that if you do have a fructan intolerance that you consider taking a multivitamin as you will need to ensure that you have plenty of B vitamins since many fructan-rich foods also have vitamin B. B vitamins are essential to your overall health, so you will want to ensure that you add those to your diet.

If you think you may suffer from a fructan sensitivity, please consider getting food sensitivity testing Los Angeles as soon as possible. Finding the root cause for your digestive symptoms will help you to feel better quickly.


Earaches can be a debilitating condition that can take you out of your regular day-to-day routine due to the nonstop pain and difficulty sleeping. While some ear infections that are caused by bacteria require antibiotics for treatment, not all of them do. Rather, there are many at-home remedies you can use to heal your ear infection quickly.

OTC Pain Relievers

Any head and neck doctor in Los Angeles will recommend OTC pain relievers as a first-line of treatment against an ear infection. Both acetaminophen and ibuprofen can assist in controlling the pain associated with acute ear infections. Even if you’re on antibiotics, your ear infection specialist Los Angeles will likely recommend OTC pain relievers to assist with any pain from your condition.


Any otitis media specialist Los Angeles can explain to you the importance of both warm and cold compresses on the body. The compress should be placed over the ear. Most patients find that they prefer one over the other, and their head and neck doctor in Los Angeles will recommend sticking with their preferred compress type or alternating from hot and cold every twenty minutes.

Chiropractic Adjustment

Your ENT for ear infections Los Angeles may suggest visiting your local chiropractor for a manual adjustment. Sometimes the cervical spinal discs can become too compressed with bodily pressure. This can cause nerves to be overly irritated, including those in the ear. A manual adjustment can assist with decompressing the spine and work to reduce your ear pain.

Neck Exercises

When you talk with your ear infection specialist Los Angeles they may recommend some soothing neck exercises. As you learned above, neck pressure can refer pain to the ear by putting pressure on the ear canal. 

Many neck exercises can be easily used to help alleviate this pressure. Consider exercises that involve rotation of the neck as these are very beneficial to reducing pressure.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Your otitis media specialist Los Angeles may recommend using some hydrogen peroxide drops a couple of times a day. You’ll simply need to place a few drops of this substance into the affected ear. Once inside, the hydrogen peroxide will need to sit for several minutes. You’ll need to keep your head bent towards the opposite ear during this treatment to ensure the drops stay inside of your ear. Once several minutes have passed, you’ll want to drain your ear and wash it out with distilled water.


While not every ENT Los Angeles recommends this form of natural treatment, many people have stood by using garlic as a natural treatment. Now, you won’t be putting garlic cloves in your ear as that’s not at all effective in treating ear infections. Rather, you’ll soak crushed garlic in water for several minutes. Then, remove the garlic pieces and apply the remaining oil into the ear canal. Leave it in for several minutes, and then remove it. Be sure to use distilled water to wash out your ear canal.


Dizziness can come from a variety of issues, including an imbalance in the inner ear, dehydration, low blood sugar or illness. Determining the cause and correcting the problem may mean checking your blood sugar consistently or adjusting your neck and jaw. Working with the right head and neck doctors in Los Angeles can make finding the most effective treatment less arduous.

Ear Concerns

The inner ear is a highly complex combination of delicate tissue, small bones, and fluid. A blow to the head can cause rapid fluid displacement and cause vertigo, or a sense of unsteadiness.

Fever and Infection

An infection in the ear can cause inflammation of the delicate tissues, putting pressure on the eustachian tubes. An infectious disease specialist may be the best doctor for vertigo Los Angeles, at least until the tissue pressure comes down.

Blood Sugar

If you’ve ever gone too long without eating and gotten woozy, you know how concerning dizziness from a blood sugar drop can be. Even worse, this can be paired with confusion, nausea, and the inability to speak. When seeking dizziness treatment Los Angeles, be sure to get your blood sugar checked.

Pinched Nerves

For those who work at a computer all day, a pinched nerve can lead to dizziness or a sense of disconnection. If you notice any tingling or pain after sitting in one position for a long time, seek out the care of head and neck doctors in Los Angeles to make sure that you’re not dealing with neck damage or pinching.


A blow to the head that causes a rapid movement of the skull can cause vertigo and send you seeking lightheadedness treatment Los Angeles. Additionally, a rapid twisting of the head or a blow to the head can result in a TBI or traumatic brain injury and long-term dizziness and tinnitus. If you’re seeking a doctor for vertigo Los Angeles, be sure to share any history of injury.


Whiplash movement, or the sudden backward and forward of the head as opposed to the rapid twisting of the head, can contribute to dizziness in several ways. The neck can be damaged, leading to pinched nerves and dizziness treatment Los Angeles, and the brain can be injured by the violent back and forth. Your neck is a delicate collection of tissue, muscle and bone, while your head is 12-14 pounds of fused bone. Whiplash is dangerous on several levels and should always be checked out.


When seeking lightheadedness treatment Los Angeles, make sure to bring a list of your prescriptions. Not everyone responds the same to different prescriptions, and you may be in need of a change or a different dosage to prevent a dangerous situation arising.

No matter the cause of your dizziness, you will need to get it checked out. Being dizzy at home is a nuisance, but if dizziness strikes while you’re driving or walking alone, the results can be quite dangerous.


Nasal surgery requires the use of small silicone or plastic devices referred to as nose splints. These splints work to stabilize your nose post-surgery. Before you leave the hospital or other medical facility, your head and neck doctors in Los Angeles will provide you with care instructions for your splints and reveal how long you’ll need to leave them in place.

The Two Types Of Nose Splints

There are two main types of nose splints used, including internal and external. Internal nose splints are placed inside of the nose and held in place with multiple stitches. External splints are attached to the outside of the nose after a septorhinoplasty Los Angeles. These external splints are commonly glued to the skin with a dissolvable adhesive or taped on with medical bandages.

Why Do You Need Nose Splints?

After your septoplasty procedure Los Angeles, nose splints will work to stabilize your nasal tissue and protect your nose as it starts to heal up. Splints are used after a number of different nose procedures. These include:

  • Surgery For Sinus
  • Fracture Repair
  • Rhinoplasties
  • Septoplasties

The specific type of splint that will be used for your nose will highly depend on the type of surgery that you’re having performed. Septoplasties require internal splints. Rhinoplasties require an external splint. 

What’s A Septoplasty?

Deviated septum repair Los Angeles, also referred to as a septoplasty procedure Los Angeles, is a surgical procedure to correct a crooked septum. The septum of the nose is the wall that is situated between the two different nostrils. The septum is made up of cartilage and bone.

After a deviated septum repair Los Angeles is performed, your surgeon will fill your nasal cavity with gauze and an internal splint. This works to stabilize your septum and provide necessary compression to the area to prevent bleeding complications.

What’s A Rhinoplasty?

Most commonly referred to as a nose job, a rhinoplasty is a procedure performed to enhance the appearance of the nose or enhance breathing. Rhinoplasties are one of the most common procedures performed by head and neck doctors in Los Angeles, even more than septorhinoplasty Los Angeles procedures.

Once the rhinoplasty is completed, your surgeon will apply an external splint to your nose. This will be to keep the nasal tissue stabilized while the healing happens. In some cases, your surgeon may decide to use steri-strips or surgical tapes instead of external nose splints.

What Is A Nasal Fracture Procedure?

Even though most of the nose is made up of cartilage, there is a bony part at the top. When the nose is broken or fractured, it needs to be realigned. Most times, realignment can be easily done by the hands of a skilled doctor. However, sometimes the realignment requires surgery to bring the nose back to its original shape.

Your doctor will apply an external splint after the procedure to help stabilize the nose. External splints are typically kept in place for about one to two weeks. Each case varies from the next, so it’s best to ask your doctor how long you’ll need to leave your splints on.

Westside Head & Neck treats our patients with top priority, both before, during, and after surgery. Whichever nasal splint you require post-operation, our team of expert doctors will fit it properly to ensure an optimum healing process. 


Life-saving surgery gives man new way to breathe

Head and neck doctors in Los Angeles are astonished by the successful completion of a double lung transplant. A Delaware man has noted Temple Health as his saving grace. What was once a nagging cough that turned into a more life-threatening condition is now gone.

A Family History Of Pulmonary Fibrosis

Allan Nelson has a family history of pulmonary fibrosis. At age 64, Nelson started to experience the well-known coughing symptom of this disease. Knowing that both his great grandmother and father fell victim to pulmonary fibrosis, Nelson started to believe that he was next in line. His chronic cough doctor Los Angeles gave him an estimated mortality of one to three years. Luckily, Nelson was referred to Temple Health.

Any bronchitis specialist Los Angeles will reveal that pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive condition. It’s noted as scar tissue forming throughout the lungs. The scar tissue keeps a person’s lungs from getting the oxygen they need in their blood. It also makes it extremely difficult to get rid of carbon dioxide.

Nelson’s surgery was completed on January 8, 2019. Right after surgery, once his breathing tube was removed, Nelson was highly enthused that he was no longer coughing. He had gotten so used to coughing relentlessly with his condition. He truly feels that head and neck doctors in Los Angeles worked to save his life.

The Transplant Process Is A Long One

Any chronic sinusitis ENT Los Angeles will reveal that the transplant process is a long one. Each potential patient has to undergo a series of medical tests. These tests are to ensure that the patient will likely receive the organ well and survive the transplant. Any bronchitis specialist Los Angeles will tell you that tests alone take weeks to get.

If a person is approved by their chronic cough doctor Los Angeles to be added to the transplant list, they will receive a score. The transplant score reveals the urgency of a person’s need for the transplant. This is what causes varying wait times in different patients. 

Recovery Was Successful

Nelson’s physician, Dr. Brown, shared that his patient made a full recovery from the double lung transplant. He noted that it took about four months for Nelson to recover fully. Now, he is back to working with absolutely no restrictions. In the case of Allan Nelson, this relatively newer procedure couldn’t come soon enough.

Temple Health is the health system that is accredited for performing the successful double lung transplant on Nelson. This Philadelphia-based health system is one of a handful of industry leaders concerning medical advances. They believe that clinical innovation, world-class education, and pioneering research is responsible for better healthcare.

There’s no doubt that Temple Health’s staff are receiving a great deal of accreditation from completing this relatively new procedure. Any chronic sinusitis ENT Los Angeles can reveal just how life-changing this surgery is for those who are dealing with chronic lung conditions. No longer do these life-threatening conditions have to end in fatality.


The week of November 3, 2020, revealed an upsurge of COVID-19 patients who are children. Each state’s health department tracks data regarding COVID-19 cases and passes it onto the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association. These associations proceed to release the information to the public on a weekly basis.

It was reported by these associations that 61,000 new cases involving children were reported in the last week of October. This is by far the largest increase that has burdened the underage population since the start of the pandemic. Many ENT doctors Los Angeles are finding themselves working to treat COVID-19 patients.

These numbers have given everyone a good reminder of the fact that children are indeed susceptible to the virus. As of right now, there are over 853,000 reported cases of COVID-19 in children since the start of the pandemic. October rose this number by a large 200,000. As parents look to their child’s sore throat doctor Los Angeles for a diagnosis, many are still surprised to find out their children are infected with the virus.

Common Symptoms In Children

Any chronic sore throat specialist Los Angeles will be able to share with you the common symptoms that children experience when they have COVID-19. The most notable symptom is a fever of 100 degrees or higher, difficulty breathing, headaches, digestive issues, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, and dry cough. A fairly newer symptom is reddish toes, coined ‘Covid toes’.

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention along with head and neck doctors in Los Angeles have revealed that children tend to experience fevers and coughs less than in cases of COVID infected adults. While throat infection specialist Los Angeles report very few severe cases of the virus in children, they do happen from time to time. The most notable are found in infants that are less than a year old.

A report released by the CDC showed that kids between the ages of 12 and 17 were twice as likely to test positive for COVID-19 when compared to kids in the age bracket of 5 to 11 years old. The most severe cases reported by a chronic sore throat specialist Los Angeles revealed that children with underlying medical conditions were at a higher risk for infection than those with no underlying health issues. Some of the most common underlying conditions noted were immune disorders, psychological conditions, cardiovascular disease, severe obesity, and disabilities.

Any sore throat doctor Los Angeles will reveal that we still need to be concerned about children getting infected with the coronavirus. We need to be especially concerned for children who live in areas suffering from a high number of infections as these communities tend to suffer from disproportionate mental and emotional harms.

Every throat infection specialist Los Angeles is exercising caution when dealing with children who may test positive for COVID-19. It’s always advisable to let these specialists know when there are concerns before visiting their offices. This will allow them to instruct you on how to deal with the situation successfully.


An ENT examination includes checking the ears, nose, throat, as well as the neck. Our ENT doctor Los Angeles serves both adults and children.


On the first visit, we usually screen for hearing loss. We use pressure to test the eardrum for fluid. The nose is examined using a mirror or headlight and a handheld speculum with which we can view the nasal septum up close. A nose spray will be utilized during the exam. Using mirrors in the mouth, the nose, throat, and voice box are examined closely. We look carefully at the salivary glands, lymph nodes, and thyroid gland. Overall health is accessed throughout. The entire process is usually quick and painless, although some patients may experience slight gagging during the throat exam.

Read more about ear examinations.

Audiometric Testing

For patients complaining of hearing loss, tinnitus, or balance issues, we may conduct audiometric testing. Our OAE testing is a fast, easy screening for normal hearing. It takes 5 seconds in a quiet room, and is often used for screening newborns. We may screen some patients a bit more closely in our soundproof booth. The audiologist records the softest sounds you can hear in each ear, resulting in an audiograph. We measure pressure in the middle ear and assess fluid in the eardrums of small children using tympanometry, which is fast and easy. Children will be comfortable with our pediatric ENT doctor Los Angeles.

Take this Quiz to see if you know what to expect from your audiologist.

Nasal Endoscopy

If the patient has nasal, sinus, or allergy concerns, a nasal endoscopy is usually performed. You will receive a decongestant nose spray which contains lidocaine, a local anesthetic. After this takes effect, the ENT doctor Los Angeles inserts a tiny camera into the nostril. This makes it easy to see any swelling, drainage, nasal polyps, and septal deformities. Most of these findings can be cultured or biopsied to determine treatment.

Learn more about nasal endoscopy here.

Throat Scoping

For throat problems like hoarseness or swallowing difficulty, a flexible scope may be used to check the throat and voice box. This is a great alternative for those who have trouble with the mirror exam. In some cases, we may need to perform a procedure known as a trans-nasal endoscopy. A long endoscope is passed down into the esophagus to give us a clear view, on a video monitor, of your condition.

More about throat scopes and upper endoscopy.

Allergy Testing

If allergy medicine is not doing enough for a patient, we recommend allergy testing. Small injections and skin pricks are done to test various environmental and food allergens, to assess your reaction, and to determine a safe dose for immunotherapy.

Learn more about allergy testing.

Your Head and Neck Doctors in Los Angeles

We see children, as well as adults! Entrust your child’s care to our pediatric ENT doctor Los Angeles. Our ENT doctor Los Angeles has offices in Culver City and Santa Monica to better serve you. Please call Westside Head & Neck at 310-361-5313 to schedule your appointment today!


Acid Reflux Specialist Los Angeles Agrees That Stomach Acid and Heartburn Drugs Could Influence COVID-19 Outcomes

If you struggle with heartburn, otherwise known as acid indigestion, you can take comfort in knowing that you are not alone.  According to a study published in the Washington Post, some 60 million Americans experience some form of heartburn at least once per month.  And about 15 million struggle with it daily. In short, heartburn is a byproduct of acid reflux, a condition whereby acids in the stomach move back into the esophagus.  For context, the esophagus is a tube that transports food from the mouth to the stomach.  More often than not, acid reflux and the resulting heartburn that follows stems from consuming certain foods.  Studies show that spicy and fatty foods, citrus fruit, chocolate, peppermint, and alcohol can all trigger varying degrees of heartburn in some people.

Head and Neck Doctors in Los Angeles Discuss Common Heartburn Symptoms

According to multiple head and neck doctors in Los Angeles, heartburn typically starts with a burning sensation that begins in the upper abdomen and gradually moves up toward the chest before settling behind the breastbone.  In some cases, this burning sensation might be accompanied by a sour taste in the mouth as well.  Generally speaking, these symptoms tend to become worse when individuals are bending over or lying down, according to practitioners with several prominent acid reflux specialists Los Angeles.  To combat these symptoms, many individuals turn to prescription-based stomach acid and heartburn drugs.  And while they do provide significant symptom relief, emerging data is suggesting that they may trigger other health problems in the process.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Doctor Los Angeles Detail How Stomach Acid and Heartburn Drugs Could Compromise Your Health

Many physicians with laryngopharyngeal reflux doctor Los Angeles group medical practices are advising patients of a possible link between COVID-19 and stomach acid and heartburn drugs. For those not aware, COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, is a virus that attacks the respiratory system and triggers an array of symptoms, including shortness of breath, fever, nausea, vomiting, and much more. In severe cases, the virus may even be fatal, especially among those taking stomach acid or heartburn drugs to relieve heartburn, say several esteemed physicians with laryngopharyngeal reflux doctor Los Angeles group medical practices.

The same was also noted in a study published by medRxiv.org, an online resource for unpublished eprints about health sciences.  According to the study, which included 1,300 hospitalized COVID-19 patients, researchers found that those who took Prilosec, a medication often prescribed to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), heartburn, esophageal damage, and stomach ulcers, were two-to-three times more likely to die from symptoms brought on by COVID.  And Prilosec was not the only medication that had the potential of influencing this negative outcome. Researchers conclude that other proton-pump inhibitors, such as Nexium and Prevacid, for example, could also worsen COVID symptoms and lead to a higher risk of death.

The same researchers involved in the study found that proton-pump inhibitors can potentially weaken the gastric barrier that would otherwise protect against SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID. And this is because, while they do provide relief from heartburn and GERD, these medications can reduce microbial diversity in the gut. This combination of events not only increases the likelihood of contracting COVID-19 but also intensifies symptoms.

Bottom Line

Despite the newly discovered relationship between proton-pump inhibitors and COVID-19, most physicians with acid reflux doctor Los Angeles group medical practices still encourage patients to take these medications as prescribed as they can significantly relieve GERD and heartburn symptoms. And many physicians with gastroesophageal reflux doctor Los Angeles group medical practices are also recommending the same. However, all of these practitioners agree that patients should be mindful of the risk associated with taking such medications and should follow the recommendations put forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for protecting themselves against COVID. That said, individuals who start to experience COVID-19 symptoms while taking these medications are encouraged to contact an acid reflux doctor Los Angeles group medical practice or a COVID-19 testing facility as soon as possible.

If you are experiencing any acid reflux discomfort or pain, contact our ENT doctor Los Angeles today!


Hoarseness of the voice can be uncomfortable and concerning to many people. Because this is a symptom and not an illness by itself, hoarseness is an important clue to a broader health condition. Our ENT doctor Los Angeles can help diagnose the problem before it becomes worse.

What Is A Hoarse Voice?

Hoarseness refers to abnormal changes in the voice. A hoarse voice can sound raspy and it may be difficult to speak. The pitch or volume of a voice can also be distorted when hoarseness occurs. Many times this is a result of a disorder in the vocal folds.

A hoarse throat can feel scratchy or painful when speaking. One of the scariest problems that can occur with hoarseness is difficulty when trying to swallow. When vocal folds experience excessive tension, hoarseness is likely to occur.

Voice and Speech Therapy Los Angeles

If you are wondering why patients choose voice and speech therapy Los Angeles, hoarseness is a common cause. This specific form of therapy has been shown to be effective for both children and adults. It is used to treat vocal fold lesions, polyps and cysts.

Voice therapy can reduce hoarseness by gradually changing vocal behavior. Through lifestyle changes, this kind of therapy is tasked-based with the goal of eliminating negative vocal behaviors. Many people use vocal therapy for the duration of several weeks.

Tracheostomy Treatment Los Angeles

Another form of treatment consists of what is known as a tracheostomy. For tracheostomy treatment Los Angeles, an opening of the neck is created so that a small tube can be placed through the windpipe. This medical treatment is performed by a medical professional with trained experience involving the head and neck.

For hoarseness that causes breathing problems, this type of procedure is frequently used. When an airway narrows, it can be caused by a subglottic stenosis. By opening the airway to allow maximum airflow, a tracheostomy treatment can impact the quality of breath for a patient.

Vocal Cord Surgery Los Angeles

For hoarseness that cannot be treated with vocal therapy, vocal cord surgery can help. Vocal cord surgery Los Angeles is a common treatment option that involves laryngeal surgery. This procedure is usually done in a hospital setting with skilled physicians that specialize in throat disorders.

Vocal cord surgery is performed on the voice box with general anesthesia. It can remove vocal cord lesions including cysts. Hoarseness that stems from these conditions can be cured by electing for this type of treatment.

Head and Neck Doctors Los Angeles

A variety of conditions can cause hoarseness. Laryngitis, gastroesophageal reflux, vocal nodules and even neurological diseases can create voice discomfort and alterations in the voice. To better understand which type of treatment is appropriate, a proper diagnosis is essential. Head and neck doctors in Los Angeles can help treat hoarseness once the underlying reason is discovered. Hoarseness can be uncomfortable and is ultimately a sign of larger condition. Finding the right treatment in a timely manner is recommended for those who experience on-going vocal discomfort.

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